Why hello there. Want to see more of our work? Check out just some of what we've been up to below.
Making Engineers Perfect
To Provide interactive training with participants and carry out a number of training activities rather than passively listen to a lecture or presentation.
To provide an industrial exposure to the students as well as to develop their career in the high tech industrial requirements
This course contain Embedded from ESD for 6 months contain 3 different sessions
Learn and write Java Program in 60 days
This Course contain ESD and DSD for 6 months practical training
This Course contain about Networking and Computer Hardware with practical training
This course contain VLSI Programming from DSD for 6 months in 3 different Session
The Course contain C programming for all students by different syllabus and contain different project works
We offer lot of workshops for Engineer's to develop their ideas and to download Workshop Registration form
we conduct IPT for 2 time per year to develop the Engineer's in their Industrial field